Monday, September 26, 2016

Sikarim Waterfall

Waterfall Sikarim

If it comes in Dieng do not forget to stop by to enjoy the beauty of the waterfall sikarim, waterfalls near Sikunir hill. The natural beauty of Dieng is still beautiful with hills and strength, the air is cool and beautiful still maintained its naturalness. Around Dieng is also a waterfall that is practically virgin, because rarely visit, but do not be mistaken with the beauty that served do not tell me not fascinated while seeing its beauty. Suggested use motors for treking to get there because the roads are winding and not arranged nice. For lovers of adrenalin adventure bike trail or it will be a challenge.

Along the way to the waterfall sikarim will be served exquisite views of rolling green hills, around the green paddy, small streams with clear water that presents a good spot to take pictures. Local residents will be happy and welcoming with friendly every tourist who comes. Elegance and hospitality to additional nature and population Dieng is deservedly called the heavenly country. Approximately 1 hour trip sikamir then waterfall will be visible. Sikamir have a height of about 100 meters, with a stream of clear water makes unsatisfied if not playing clarity of the water. Waterfalls around the visible hills with forests and fern forests were still visible green nan exquisite.
There are 2 options when you want to track towards Niagara Sikarim. If the direction of the village of Wonosobo pick up on the track in the direction of the road to Garung Menjer Lake. Alternatives to the two that you can down a very steep road from the village of Sembungan Dieng. Usually people use the path of Menjer Lake Garung and use the return path through the village Sembungan Dieng.

Winong Waterfall

Air terjun Winong
(Winong waterfall)

Winong water birds hidden in Wonosobo. Located in the village Winongsari, Kaliwiro, Wonosobo. It lies hidden and still not many people know it, and has recently started to be developed as a tourist attraction by the local government. From the city center towards the south approximately 35 km. To get to the districts will first pass through the village Solomerto, Balaikambang, and Winongsari. 
Will pass through ravines and dense pine forests and green. From the parking location approximately 1 km or 15 minutes. Passing persawahaan owned by local residents, then will pass salak, from here falls in sight.
This waterfall has a height of approximately 50 meters with exotic cliffs. Sometimes there are visitors who encouraged him to climb the cliff but not recommended. Here there is a stone or a public call watu color screen, which is shaped like an elongated stone 'color' used in the growth of germs wayang kulit. And there is also a rare plant that grows in rocky cliffs like pillars of color that people call Wunung. Curug flow is quite heavy and in some parts there are deep and are advised not to bathe there.There has been no means of support though still minimal, such as toilets, food stalls and a place to rest.

The food is typical Jepara

The food is typical Jepara

  • Horok-horok
Horok-horok is a traditional food that is now probably very little to be found. Horok-horok flour palm trees, arguably an alternative food substitutes rice in mass. Ordinary eaten with satay, soup, meatballs or pecel catfish. It also can be eaten with a given Santa and sugar, such as porridge penyajiaanya. If people now call traditional foods as food during the war. It's known now more food leads to fast food. These foods can only be found in Jepara. The craftsmen flour aren aren sometimes hunt to exit the area, perhaps because now starting rare palm trees. Palm trees that will be processed peeled and meat using a comb, with the aim that the flour produced becomes soft. Horok-horok the cold will chewy texture.

  • Moto belong or moto blong
Moto belong or moto tension is a genuine hawker Jepara. Moto belong derives from two words (moto; the eye), (belong; sag) that when combined mean eye drooping. These snacks can be found in the traditional markets in Jepara. The main ingredient is the motto belong bananas and cassava, cassava washed and then peeled and washed a second time so that the mucus or feces left on cassava can be lost. Then, crushed or grated cassava into flour rather rough. Then small sliced ​​banana or to taste, grated cassava banana wraps are made to last, formed according to taste, or for more interesting could be given food coloring. Then steamed until cooked. For the presentation moto belong ripe sliced ​​to taste later in the love of grated coconut on top.

  • Adon-adon coro

Adon-adon coro is a kind of traditional beverage. These drinks such as herbs are mixed with spices, among others pandan, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger doused with coconut milk, ginger brown sugar and water. This drink tastes spicy and warm, similar to ginger. These drinks can be found around the shopping center in the south of Jepara or square Jepara.

  • Blenyik
Blenyik or tempong, a processed food made from anchovy little fist round shaped and given a little salt. Generally tastes salty. Usually served sebagain friend to eat rice, or it could be if the way in sauteed or steamed with or without milk.
  • Pindang serani
Pindang serani is a popular food in Jepara. Made from various types of fish, mixed with boiled and flavored serani secret. This food is popular until exit Jepara. Usually served with rice, chilli sauce and vegetables.