The area is a typical food Kalibeber , Wonosobo . This food ingredient is essentially cassava and surrounding communities also call Peel Garlic chives . Cassava is made opaque by means of boiled cassava Then coupled with Garlic chives and salt to taste , and then crushed , flattened and dried. Once dried and then fried . To serve as a souvenir that is not advisable to buy the half-baked or fried .
Mushrooms are not only tastes good , but also contains a high protein even higher than in rice and wheat . Mushrooms also contain nine essential amino acids . Dieng makes first public fungus as food preparations wet , but now with the development of the fungus in the culinary world innovation though as dry foods , such as chips made or canned .
Or the Latin language Pecco Souchon . This tea is made from tea shoots are planted superior altitude of approximately 4500 feet above sea level . Taken from the shoots of young tea leaves contain vitamins and minerals .
Wonosobo is a typical food made from corn starch , grated coconut and sugar , then cooked over charcoal firewood until cooked and scented .
Of 2 words ' tempe ' and ' kemul ' , Tempe made from beans that have been fermented base and ' kemul ' in the sense that language is a ' blanket' . Tempe Kemul which means tempe covered with flour then fried until dry . Tempe Kemul usually presented as a supplementary food . As friends eat Ongklok noodles , sate and other foods.