Wells Jalatunda
Tourist attraction located in the west Penggunungan Dieng. The well rounded stone with a hoist bucket. Travel Jalatunda village wells located Pekasiran, District Batur, Banjarnegara has a diameter of approximately 90 meters. Allegedly, well Jalatunda is a crater formed by volcanic eruptions millions of years ago.
Crater or crater is then filled with water so that its shape resembles the well.
According to the myths of these wells liaise with the World Earth layers to seven (Sapta Pratala) puppet story told in the Mahabharata. Told, these wells are formed from Bima foothold who was angry and stuck his foot to the ground, forming a well Jalatunda. Before getting to the well Jalatunda visitors must climb 257 stairs first. Another thing that makes it interesting Jalatunda wells is a myth that if we managed to throw a stone into a well, hence our request will be granted. But the stone is not just any stone. The rock must be grounded sacks of gravel sold by children around the well location. Attraction little trick to attract visitors, perhaps? Not far from the well Jalatunda there are attractions that crater Candra Upfront, offering views of the crater bursts of hot water as high as approximately 1 meter. Upfront Candra crater taken from the Mahabharata which supposedly places Ghatotkacha forged to become the powerful knight.
Another Uniqueness Dieng
It is said that of stories handed down community around children dreadlocked before her hair was still the same as children in general, but initially the children menggalami very high heat, and when the child's sleep is always a delirious (berbicra itself) and when cured sudden hair into dreadlocks. According to the parents whose children experiencing these events, this situation can not be treated. And will heal by itself. But after recovering the child will become matted hair ...
Dreads it can not be cut indiscriminately, if cut at random then wreak havoc aka great. And when it is cut hair carelessly it will remain gimbal body back. Before cutting dreads it, must be held ritual and after a certain time, carried out in spring Sedayu with bathed by traditional leaders (elders) who is no spring Sedayu region. And the moment of cutting it sianak will ask the parents something that she wants.
By local pemeritah dreads the ritual cutting coupled with events carnival culture, performing arts and more, featuring the culture msyarakat Dieng, the event is usually held in August.