Monday, September 26, 2016

Winong Waterfall

Air terjun Winong
(Winong waterfall)

Winong water birds hidden in Wonosobo. Located in the village Winongsari, Kaliwiro, Wonosobo. It lies hidden and still not many people know it, and has recently started to be developed as a tourist attraction by the local government. From the city center towards the south approximately 35 km. To get to the districts will first pass through the village Solomerto, Balaikambang, and Winongsari. 
Will pass through ravines and dense pine forests and green. From the parking location approximately 1 km or 15 minutes. Passing persawahaan owned by local residents, then will pass salak, from here falls in sight.
This waterfall has a height of approximately 50 meters with exotic cliffs. Sometimes there are visitors who encouraged him to climb the cliff but not recommended. Here there is a stone or a public call watu color screen, which is shaped like an elongated stone 'color' used in the growth of germs wayang kulit. And there is also a rare plant that grows in rocky cliffs like pillars of color that people call Wunung. Curug flow is quite heavy and in some parts there are deep and are advised not to bathe there.There has been no means of support though still minimal, such as toilets, food stalls and a place to rest.

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