Sunday, September 4, 2016

Telaga Menjer and Tuk Bima Lukar

Telaga Menjer

Menjer Lake is one of tourist destinations in Dieng . With an area of ​​approximately 70 hectares and a depth of about 60 meters . Located in the village of Maron districts Garung , Wonosobo . Being under Sikudi mountain and surrounded by dense forests . Menjer Lake famous since 1905 that documented and publicized by the citizens kewarganaan Netherlands until 1940. At this lake tourists can down the lake by boat for rent olehenduduk around or walk through the woods around the lake surrounds . Travelers also can be fished in the lake because there are various types of freshwater fish live in it, or play outbound .

other than as a tourist , this lake is also used for irrigation by the surrounding community as well as hydroelectric power plants . Menjer tourist area of ​​the lake is so beautiful , tourists who come to be pampered with the green of the trees around the lake , a row of trees fir which seemed neat and orderly with the tea plantation area . Especially the evening or early morning when the sun bouncing off the lake adding exotic this lake .

Forms of this lake is getting into increasingly pointed . In the western part of the lake there is a large tree that blend with large stones , and among rocks there are holes like doors that were closed three stones . When it opened we could see there like a tub of approximately 3 square meters and where the source of the lake water is coming from. Goa place this spring called the Goa Kamal .

Tuk Bima Lukar

Other travel ancient springs Dieng is called Tuk Bima Lukar . These springs are located before the entrance gate Welcome to the tourist area of ​​Dieng , enter through a path that is only a few meters from the highway Wonosobo -Dieng . But most travelers actually missed it or maybe because of lack of resilience.Dieng is famous since the soaring Sikunir , which become new tourist destinations Dieng. Tuk Bima Lukar into springs sacred by the local community and the Hindus . It is said that Hindus before heading temple to worship , they first purify themselves bathing in the spring . Tuk Bima Lukar associated with Pendawa figure named Bima .

According to legend , it is said spring is formed as a race between Pendawa are represented Bima and Kurawa . Before doing the race Bima doing meditation beforehand , and the Bima should be guided to perfrom race naked and use his genitals in the race . On race day the Bima comes with naked and carry out the race in accordance with the instructions that he get the time of meditation .And finally Bima win the race . After the river was so Bima saw a beautiful woman bathing in a river that he created . Because she was pretty . Bima stunned and say ' Siro Ayu ' ( you are beautiful ) . The word was that the basis for naming the river Serayu ( Sri Ayu ) . While the river made ​​Kurawa named Klawing river flowing toward Purbalingga .

Building springs Tuk Bima Lukar consists of 3 buildings . The first building top into a sanctuary , this place is laid offerings . In the second part is the pool as a water reservoir . In the third part there are two showers that allows people around to take a shower or wash your face . It is said that the trust the people around , the water from these springs can be ageless .

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